Thursday, July 10, 2008

Creeks Shoot Out!

Thanks for all of the help with the Creeks Shoot Out! An extra big thanks to Tami. I think she painted nearly 100 kids faces. Thank you to Bartram Trail Nursery for donating the beautiful Palm won by the Aguayo family. A very nice family from Orange Park won the softball bangle & pendant. Mallory Wilson the third baseman from MSA's 12U won the softball charm bracelet. We did not make too much money on our raffle items. The face painting was by far more popular. I think we made over $250 for the weekend. All of the families who won the raffle items spent a lot of time at our booth buying raffle tickets & getting their face painted, so we are very happy they won. Thank you to all of the families who helped in the concession stand, especially the Householders. I am not sure if they realized their shift was going to last 4 hours...

Can you see the stitch marks on Melinda's head?
I think we had more injuries during the creeks shoot out than in all of our other tournaments combined.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thank you Merwin Family & Harrell and Harrell!

We want to Thank Tyler Merwin and her family for the sponsorship they received from Harrell and Harrell. Harrell and Harrell made a generous donation towards our 12U Creeks Softball Team! We really appreciate this. Thank you all!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Thank you!

Thank you Everybody! Thanks to our three great coaches and all the parents that continuously help them out. Thank you Christopher Rule for always keeping us on track with the score & more! Thank you Kay Brophy and Vince Aguayo for keeping the girls organized, cooled off, hydrated and fired up in the dug out! Thank you to Bill Merwin and Vince for going to get everyone a healthy lunch! Kevin and I thank you all (especially Leigh & Bobby) for taking care of Annie when we were not there. I think that may be the only time she has been there with out even one family member. We really appreciate it!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

These Girls are ready to play some ball!

Some of these are a little fuzzy. I think my battery was dying. Sorry.

Resting up for the next Game....

Telling Mom the Score!

Annie's Feeling a little better.

Her fingers are actually still bothering her, but thank goodness nothing is broken. She took some tylenol before bed and did a pretty good job of keeping ice on them between innings. We think they are just bruised pretty good. Annie and I were just praying nothing was broken. We are all so excited about this team and really looking forward to spending time with these wonderful girls and their wonderful families.